Mindfulness in Non-Clinical Settings - Finding Peace in a Frantic World. Teacher Training
Date: 31/08/2019 - 01/09/2019
Location: St Hugh's College

The OMC has been teaching the course from Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World, by Mark Williams and Danny Penman to staff and students at Oxford University and to corporate clients. The course in this book runs over eight weeks and is presented in a self-help format but also works well as a curriculum for taught courses. It is intended primarily for non-clinical populations and is taught in classes of 60-90 minutes.

Led by Chris Cullen, this workshop will explore what needs to be taken into consideration to teach a mindfulness course based on this book to reduce the time commitment for participants and thus make mindfulness more accessible to the general public, student groups and work-place settings.

Please note: you need to be a trained Mindfulness teacher to participate in this workshop.

To get the most out of the weekend, we recommend familiarising yourself with two publications: 'Mindfulness: a Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World' M Williams and D Penman and also 'Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression' 2nd Edition 2013 Segal, Williams and Teasdale, prior to attending the day (particularly if you are trained in an intervention other than MBCT). It would be helpful if you could bring both books with you.

The structure for the weekend is as follows:
8.45 - Arrive and settle (teas and coffee available)
9.30 - Workshop starts
1.00 - 2.00 - Break for lunch
4.30 - Workshop closes

On day 1 please arrive anytime from 8:45 for registration and networking, ready for a 9.30am start. On day 2 there is no need to register again, although we will be happy to greet you from 8.45.

The course you are trying to register for is no longer available, or is no longer accepting registrations. Please contact the OMF Admin Team via admin@oxfordmindfulness.org if you continue to experience problems.