Our inner experience and patterns of interacting with the world - 2024 Annual Gathering - Dan Siegel
Date: 05/09/2024
Location: St Hugh's College

Dan will explore how our attention drives this energy of life inward, outward or dyadically as both will shape the kinds of strategies we will construct to handle life’s challenges.  During this workshop Dan will share his thoughts on 'knowing thyself', a lifelong invitation to learn more about your own inner experience and patterns of interacting with the world. 

Dr. Dan Siegel

Dan’s unique ability to make complicated scientific concepts easy to understand and exciting has led him to be invited to address diverse local, national and international groups of mental health professionals, neuroscientists, corporate leaders, educators, parents, public administrators, healthcare providers, policy-makers, and clergy.

He has been invited to lecture for the King of Thailand, Pope John Paul II, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Intel, Nike and the Parliaments of the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Ireland.

This workshop is open to all interested in Dan's work and will be delivered in-person only (not available via online attendance).

Lunch and refreshments are included in the fee - accommodation and evening meals are not included

Fees & availability

Supported Rate - for those with low incomes: £140.00
Standard Rate - pays facilitator and OMF costs: £160.00
Supporting Rate - supports others to attend who are on low incomes: £180.00

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Support the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation

The Oxford Mindfulness Foundation works to promote good mental health and resilience through mindfulness. To do this, we are actively working to bring the benefits of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy to groups who are currently underrepresented in the mindfulness community. As an independent not-for-profit charity we rely on donations to do this. Please consider adding a donation to support this aspect of our work.

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