Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Depression (MBCT) - 8-week course
Date: 31/10/2024 - 19/12/2024
Location: Online

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for depression (MBCT) is an eight-week group programme recommended in national health guidelines for people who suffer from depression, either currently, or in the past. Weekly sessions last two hours and combine mindfulness meditation with cognitive therapy exercises enabling us to become more aware of our mind and body and begin to dissolve some of our unhelpful habits of thinking such as rumination, worry and self criticism.

Over the past 15 years MBCT has become increasingly available within health services as the advantages of using this approach have become more established. Its popularity has increased as people are drawn to the central message of MBCT; that our lives are immeasurably impoverished by our habitual tendency to be on 'automatic pilot', during which the richness of momentary experience passes unnoticed. MBCT helps us develop an alternative way of being with experience as we learn skills to more fully engage with our present experience, to be 'in the moment'.

Our 8-week MBCT courses are offered in collaboration with the Nottingham Centre for Mindfulness (located within the NHS), who have been providing MBCT to people accessing their clinical services since 2007. Their mindfulness teachers offer this intervention in a wide range of clinical settings.

Full Dates: Thursdays: 31/10, 7/11, 14/11, 21/11, 28/11, 5/12, 12/12, 19/12

09:30-11:30 UK Time

Fees & availability

Standard Rate - pays facilitator and OMF costs: £300.00
Supported Rate - for those with low incomes: £275.00
Supporting Rate - supports others to attend who are on low incomes: £325.00

Gift code:    

Personal Information

Please check your spam folder for any missing correspondence from us and add our emails to your safe sender list. If you find you have not received anything from us up to a week before course commencement, email the team on admin@oxfordmindfulness.org.

I confirm that I am able to speak and understand the English language (both spoken and written) to a level where I can fully take part in the course without the need for additional translation support.

Where did you hear about the event

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Health Questions

For teaching quality purposes we occasionally video record our course sessions. We will direct the camera only at the teachers but class discussions will be audible.  The recordings are used for internal purposes only. Please feel free to speak with the teacher, if you have any concerns about this.

Following the submission of your pre-course questionnaire, you may be contacted by the Course Lead to discuss if the course is appropriate for you to attend at this time. If you mutually decide that it is not, you will be refunded in full.

Additional questions

All mental health declarations to the OMF will be held on file from time of submission and for 3 months after course end date, after which point they will be deleted. The Nottingham NHS team may have differing data retention periods. Please confirm you agree to these terms and will request further information from either the OMF or Nottingham Mindfulness Centre if required

Due to being offered by NHS team, this course is only open to UK residents who are registered with a GP

Please advise if you are under the care of any other mental health services

Please confirm you understand that information will be shared between OMF & Nottingham (NHS) Mindfulness Centre

Please provide details of your mental health history

Please provide your GP Name, Address and contact details

We may need to contact your GP if we have any concerns before, during and immediately post course, please provide consent

We require consent to contact your GP if you wish to join this course, please provide consent

We require consent to sharing your course attendance info (classified as a Treatment Plan) with your GP, please provide consent

We require you to complete additional mental health measures which will include questions about suicidality (to be sent by Nottingham NHS Mindfulness Centre), please confirm you agree to complete these

Have you ever experienced a period of depressed mood for more than 2 weeks?

This course is not suitable for applicants who have experienced the below criteria. Please do not complete the application and contact your GP regarding further steps.

Equality & Diversity

The OMF aims to foster an inclusive culture which promotes equality, values diversity and maintains a working, learning and social environment in which the rights and dignity of all its participants, collaborators and staff are respected.

The diversity information you provide is kept as confidential and will be anonymised for any research or statistical analysis. It is kept in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Terms & Conditions

Yes please - I want to be contacted by the OMF.

Support the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation

The Oxford Mindfulness Foundation works to promote good mental health and resilience through mindfulness. To do this, we are actively working to bring the benefits of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy to groups who are currently underrepresented in the mindfulness community. As an independent not-for-profit charity we rely on donations to do this. Please consider adding a donation to support this aspect of our work.

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