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Fees & availability
Standard Rate - pays facilitator and Oxford Mindfulness costs

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Personal Information

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Confirmation of Attendance / Completion of Training Certificate will only be issued if 100% of the training sessions are attended. Please confirm you can meet this requirement.


Mindfulness Background

  • have taught a minimum of 2 Mindfulness Based courses under supervision.

  • operate in accordance with the Good Practice Guidelines for Mindfulness Teachers – including the requirement for regular supervision and attendance on annual retreats. (It is highly recommended that applicants have a mindfulness supervisor with experience in workplace settings).

  • You meet the other criteria listed above and in the questions below.

  • Please give name and contact details of your mindfulness Supervisor for the above courses, and the details of your current Supervisor, if different.

    Please briefly describe your knowledge and experience of the chosen workplace setting(s) and population(s) you plan to teach. (Max. 200 words)

    Please confirm the following:
    You have read and understand the book Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World by Mark Williams and Danny Penman

    You are available to fully participate in every session of the training.

    You have a regular personal mindfulness practice.

    You have knowledge, experience and access to the workplace population and context where you would like to teach.

    You have access to suitable technology, internet capacity, space, privacy and the technical ability to participate fully in this online training via Zoom with video on.

    Please provide any further information that you believe may be helpful in support of your application.

    Equality & Diversity

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