Your event

Fees & availability
Standard Rate - pays facilitator and Oxford Mindfulness costs: £160.00

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Personal Information

Where did you hear about the event

Confirmation of Attendance / Completion of Training Certificate will only be issued if 100% of the training sessions are attended. Please confirm you can meet this requirement.


Mindfulness Background

It helps us when we understand a little about the mindfulness background of our attendees. Therefore, please could you respond to the following questions:



No Currently in training

Additional questions

To attend this training, you need to have been trained to teach Mindfulness, including specialist training in MBCT/MBSR or a recognised MBP. Your training should meet the Good Practice Guidance for training pathways which have a minimum of 12 months duration. Please provide details of your mindfulness teacher training including the length of your training programme and the number of days/hours of training you received.

Was your teacher training live online or in-person?

What was the title of your teacher training programme?

When did you start and end your teacher training?

Who were your trainers?

With which teacher training organisation did you study? If possible, please provide a link to a webpage where we can view the training programme

Did your training include teaching practice with feedback from self, peers and trainers?

Please also outline your experience of working with the populations and contexts in which you plan to teach

To which population(s) and in which context(s) do you plan to teach this? For example, workplace, education, criminal justice, physical or mental healthcare or general population

Equality & Diversity

Female Other
Prefer not to say

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