Our Day of Practice offers an opportunity deepen your mindfulness practice in a supportive online group setting. The day lasts for 5 hours, and includes guided sitting, standing and movement practices of up to 30 minutes in length, and some extended periods of silence.
Each day of practice has a theme based on one of the attitudes we explore as part of both mindfulness practice and everyday experience. For example, non-judging’, ‘patience’, ‘letting go’ etc.
The practices will not be exclusively about that attitude, but may be explored with have a ‘flavour’ of the theme for that day. This might, therefore, mean exploring ‘non-striving’ as part of the body scan or ‘allowing’ in a movement practice.
This Day of Practice is designed for those with an existing mindfulness practice, as well as teachers (or trainee teachers) of mindfulness-based programmes. It meets the British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches (BAMBA) good practice guidelines by contributing towards annual mindfulness-based retreat requirements